First Dutch lesson for free

Written by Anne Woolfitt on . Posted in Blog

First Dutch lesson for free

TAALkameleon will start a new series of Accelerated Learning Dutch trainings at the beginning of 2017!

Do you want to become a confident Dutch speaker or would you like to improve your Dutch? Join the first lesson for free on Wednesday the 25th of January from 9.15 – 12.15 am at the Anna building behind the St. Vitus church, Sint Vitusstraat 1 in Hilversum.
With the Accelerated Learning Dutch courses we will be moving away from the old-fashioned ways in which you might have learned languages at school. We will be using more exciting, effective and much more fun ways to learn.
In order to achieve more in a shorter period of time, lessons will be longer than the traditional 60 minutes. During each of the sessions a part of the ‘system’ of the language will be explained and subsequently the students will get into action during class through activity based assignments. It is fun, it is exciting, it is effective.
We’d love to share all the information about the way the course is structured, the content that will be covered and what it feels like to be in class for a longer period of time, but really the best way to find out is to experience it.
We’d like to invite you to join us on
  • Wednesday the 25th of January 2017
  • 09.15 – 12.15 am
  • Annagebouw behind St. Vitus church in Hilversum (free parking)
Cost € 0,00 (Normally the intro session costs € 22,50)
Coffee / tea included
Materials included
Bring a snack or some fruit.
NOTE: the first session is suitable for beginner learners and more advanced learners. The instruction language will be English.
At the end of this first session of Accelerated Learning Dutch you can decide if this way of learning Dutch suits your needs. Based on your level you can continue with one of the three following courses
Level Name of the course Total  number of hours
Beginner The breakthrough 18 hours (6 sessions)
Intermediate The Basic User 18 hours (6 sessions)
advanced The independent User 18 hours (6 sessions)
Classes will take place on Wednesday mornings and later on in the year on Friday mornings between 9.15 and 12.15.
The cost of the courses will be based on the number of participants. Of course we would like to offer this course at a competitive rate so should you know any other people who might want to benefit, simply bring them along.
Please send an email to to register and we look forward to meeting you on Wednesday the 25th of January 2017.
Anne Woolfitt-Scholten
P.P.S. Did you know that learning a language with a buddy has an incredible positive effect on the end result? Ask your friends to come and join you!

Comments (1)

  • Cherene Kruger


    I am an English speaking South African who is desperate to master speaking in Dutch. I would like to join your course. I passed my inburgers but my speaking is not great.


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